(MouseLook) Movimento de câmera FPS para Unity.


Nesse curto script eu desenvolvi um controlador de câmera FPS para Unity que pode ser usado basicamente em qualquer projeto. deixo abaixo o script: 

using System;

using UnityEngine;

public class MouseLook : MonoBehaviour


    [Header("Look Settings")]

    [SerializeField] private float mouseSensitivity = 1.5f; // Camera sensitivity

    [SerializeField] private float mouseSmooth = 20f; // Speed ​​and smoothness of the camera

    [SerializeField] private Transform horizontalTargetBody; // Player body that will be rotated horizontally

    [SerializeField] private bool useSmooth = false; // Enable or disable the camera softness option

    [Header("Clamp Settings")]

    [SerializeField] private float clampMaxAngle = 90f;

    [SerializeField] private float clampMinAngle = -90f;

    private Vector3 _currentMouseRot;

    private void Start()




    private void Update()


        // Calculate mouse look

        Vector2 mouseInput = new(Input.GetAxis("Mouse X"), Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y"));

        float mouseSpeed = useSmooth ? (mouseSmooth * Time.deltaTime) : Mathf.Infinity;

        _currentMouseRot.y += -1 * mouseInput.y * mouseSensitivity;

        _currentMouseRot.x += mouseInput.x * mouseSensitivity;

        // Clamp vertical look rotation

        _currentMouseRot.y = Mathf.Clamp(_currentMouseRot.y, -Mathf.Abs(clampMaxAngle), Mathf.Abs(clampMinAngle));

        // Apply final rotation

        Quaternion vertical = Quaternion.Euler(new(_currentMouseRot.y, 0f, 0f));

        Quaternion horizontal = Quaternion.Euler(new(0f, _currentMouseRot.x, 0f));

        transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.localRotation, vertical, mouseSpeed);

        horizontalTargetBody.localRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(horizontalTargetBody.localRotation, horizontal, mouseSpeed);


    public void LockCursor(bool locked)


        // Lock cursor on screen

        Cursor.visible = locked;

        Cursor.lockState = locked ? CursorLockMode.Locked : CursorLockMode.None;


